
Building a Place to Make Music

So, this week has been pretty insane already (it’s Tuesday?!)

I’ve decided to go ahead and make a recital hall/concert space in our shop.

It’s gonna be great, I promise.

But in the meantime – I feel like I’m managing a fish tank transfer, making a couch, rounding up tables and chairs – oh and trying to find time to lay a new paper bag floor.

Did I mention that it’s been insane?

Why the hell I do these things, I don’t know.  And to top it all off, I left my phone at home today.  Probably because I am just not that organized right now.  So, I can’t even post before pics at the moment.  But, hey, the fish are much happier in their new digs.

I’m still trying to train people, trying to keep some people from taking advantage of me, and trying to get this place kicked into shape.  All while being sick with a kidney infection, raising a kid and a puppy (not to mention the other 2 kids that still need their mom), and teaching 35 students a week (and managing the 5 1/2 other teachers that work here).  I must be nuts.

But I can’t just let go.  I have to keep building the momentum.  It’s going to be so freaking cool.  I’ve been dreaming about some of these changes and innovations for years.

I guess sometimes owning a piano store can be pretty intense.

I keep reminding myself to keep my eye on the ball.  This is a place where music happens.  This is a place for people to come together to learn and enjoy making music.  This place is awesome, and it’s just getting better all the time.

I’ll try to keep it posted – take some pics (when I finally do find my phone) keep everyone that’s interested informed.  I want so badly to share this with everyone once it’s ready.

Much Love,


College Piano Sales

Well, it’s that time of year again.  Fall means that you’re going to get bombarded with advertisements for “College Piano Sales”

pave covered on red leaf between trees
Photo by Ali Yasser Arwand on

So, these are sales where they tell you that some manufacturer has provided pianos for a local college, and now you can buy those same pianos at a huge discount, and help support the school.  It all sounds great.  The kids get to use great pianos, you get a great deal, the school gets paid, everyone’s happy.

accomplishment ceremony education graduation
Photo by Pixabay on

The problem is, that’s all a line of BS.

I’m probably going to take a beating over this, but I have to let you know that these sales are super deceptive.

They are almost always hosted by a local piano dealer.  They arrange it all, send out the mailers, get the pianos brought in, all that.


Funny how they don’t mention their name on the letter…

What really happens:

(I was shocked)

The local dealer gets a big shipment from their distributor.  Those pianos are NEVER used by students.  The kids play the same old beat up garbage they always have.  The school gets a donation of some sort to use their name and facility, usually it’s not a weighted donation, just a flat one.

The dealer and distributor make out like fat cats for a weekend, and ship back whatever they don’t sell.  (Usually the distributor wins this game)  The dealer is responsible for advertising, hosting, arranging, all that (some of that gets really shady).

man wearing brown jacket and using grey laptop
Photo by bruce mars on

I know… what a surprise.

Now, if you’re one of the people who really thought you’d be getting yourself a bargain all while helping out a local school and some college kids, I’m sorry to tell you all this.  I also challenge you to go ahead and comparison price.  I’m betting the discounts aren’t all that deep.

The prices for my store are listed on the website.  Go ahead and go to the sales, check out the goods, and let me know how it goes.

Thanks for Reading and as always,

Happy Playing!


Dog Food – and Other Things

So, I have ranted and raved against free craigslist pianos for quite some time.

If you’ve read my favorite blog “There’s No Such Thing As a Free Piano”, you’ve already heard the schpeal.


I hate to whine even more – but I’m tellin ya, this one takes the cake.

I happened to have been given (I had to pay for delivery) an old (1970’s) upright piano.  To protect the innocent, no names will be given at all.

When I got the piano in the store, I opened it up – and low and behold, it was full – really full of dog food.




So, the home I got this piano from was immaculate.  Everything was in it’s place.  It smelled good, the yard was neatly attended to, all that.  I’m sure they might have had a mouse or two here and there – only because they were back in the woods.

I’m also sure they had no idea that there was a ton of dog food in their parlor.

So – just wanted to share that with all of you.  Remember – if you need a piano, do not go for the cheapest – without at least calling one of us technicians to come check it out for you first.